There are countless idol blogs out there, each one weighing in on hundreds and hundreds of Idol contestants in the past 9 years. But who are we to judge talent? Could any of us rise to the challenge and compete for America's votes? Well I have a challenge for all the Idol blogs out there! Let's compete in an ONLINE singing competition to be voted on by the WORLD!
This is an open request for all Idol blogs out there (myself included!) to upload a video of yourself singing a song of your choice to be voted on by the public! Here are some people I'd like to hear from!
Jim Cantiello - MTV News
Dave Della Terza - Vote For The Worst
Richard Rushfield - The Daily Beast
Rickey Yaneza -
MJ Santilli - MJ's Big Blog
Sir Darryl - Idol Blog Love
Joe - Joes Place Blog
Michael Slezak - Entertainment Weekly
Lyndsey Parker - Yahoo
Brian Mansfield - USA Today
Herb Longs - AI NOW
Joey Guerra - Houston Chronicle
Melinda - Top Idol
Are you an Idol Blogger who is up to the challenge? Are you a fan that wants to see this happen? Click on the names to contact these idol bloggers on twitter and tell them you want to see this happen!
Brian Mansfield
Lyndsey Parker
Richard Rushfield