With most seasons of American Idol, we some familiar faces, but this year seems to bring us more than ever with at least 19 people rumored to had made it to Hollywood on at least 2 seasons. If at first you don't succeed, try try again! This post will highlight those contestants that we may have seen before.
Angela "A'wun" Martin - [Season 7 Audition] [Season 8 Hollywood Introduction]
David Gowryluk - [Season 8 Hollywood Hopefuls Video]
Frankie Jordin - [Season 8 Audition]
J.B Ahfua - [Season 8 Audition]
Jessica Paige Furney - [Season 8 Audition]
Justin Williams - [Group song with Kris Allen, Matt Giraud, and India Morrison]
Katie Bernard - [Season 6 Audition]
Kelly Caruso - [Season 6 Hollywood Clip]
Kellye Vetter - [Season 8 Hollywood Hopefuls Video]
Kiera Masters - [Season 8 Hollywood Hopefuls Video]
Lacey Brown - [Season 8 Hollywood Hopefuls Video]
Margo May - [Season 8 Hollywood Hopefuls Video]
Michael Castro - [Season 8 Audition]
Michael Preston - [Season 7 Audition Photo]
Moorea Masa - [Group song with Danny Gokey, Jamar Rogers, Taylor Vaifanua]
Nick Lynch - [Season 8 Hollywood Hopefuls Video]
Rose Flack - [Season 8 Audition]
Samantha Musa - [Season 7 Audition]
Sham Lewis - [Season 4 Golden Ticket Montage]
Will Season 9 mean returning to Hollywood for these contestants? Will any of them make the top 24? Let me know what you think in the comments!