Here we have names and photos of all 37 contestants from New Orleans that made it to Hollywood. Will one of these contestants be the next American Idol?
Ace Gilliam | Adrian Michael | Aishya Alzaabi | Alan Jackson | Blake White
Brett Lowenstern | Chelsea Chandler | Ciara Farrow | Clifford Johnson |Emily Elgin
Erin Kelly | Jacee Badeaux | Jackie Tuttle | Jacquelyn Dupree | J'Leigh Chauvin
Johnny Drennan | Jordan Dorsey | Jovany Barreto | Jorge Gabriel Rodriguez | Joshua Holder
Justin McCoy | Krista Bettevy | Lauren Turner | Mitch Moffett | Nick Jacob
Natalie Hanson | Natalie Moon | Rachel Harmon | Paris Tassin | Raion Ramsey
Reagan Tucker | Sammy Arriaga | Sarah Sellers | Sheena Lewis | Stevie Cain
Symphony Music Howlett | Taylor Dye