For years Vote For The Worst has been leading the way in bringing so called "bad" contestants to the forefront of the American Idol competition. As much as some people hate to admit it, VFTW is now as much a part of American Idol as Simon, Paula and Randy (although that is soon to change too). If you know who I mean when I say "Boomie", "Gaspy" and "Farmbot" than that means they have gotten to you too.

Let's start with Vote For The Worst's main mission: To get the lovably bad contestants as far as possible in the competition once the voting rounds begin. Some notable "VFTW Victories" include Scott Savol beating out Constantine Maroulis during season 4, Chris Daughtry's 4th place departure, and the rise of Amanda Overmyer. However all of these victories have nothing on the one and only Sanjaya Malakar. VFTW had been around for years before Sanjaya ever too the American Idol stage, but his VFTW journey is definitely the most memorable. With his less than stellar performances, and crazy hairdos, Sanjaya would not have had the votes to stay in the competition were is not for the voting efforts of VFTW. In the end we got some awfully entertaining performances and Sanjaya won the hearts of Americans everywhere.

But now Vote For The Worst is more than just a massive voting effort, they have actually become a credible source of Idol news! From spoiling entire top 24/36 contestant lists, the uncovering the past of Carly Smithson, to posting the details that got Joana Pacitti eliminated from the competition all together.

What better way to ring in a new American Idol season than to salute the website that makes being a fan so much fun? Some may say that they are ruining the show and crushing dreams, but without them we would have not seen Chris Sligh spout off "HI DAVE' on live TV (and subsequently be voted off the next week). Even American Idol itself is pandering to the VFTW fans by letting the likes of Tatiana Del Toro and Nick Mitchel through to the voting rounds.

What lies ahead for the future of American Idol and VFTW? Will they be able to have as much impact this year as they have in the past? Only time will till, so sit back and relax as VFTW takes over your favorite reality show starting on February 23rd when the top 24 takes the stage for the first time.

Thanks for the laughs VFTW! I'm looking forward to another great year (and beyond).