If you follow Idol news at all, then you have probably already heard this this will be Simon's last season as a judge on American Idol. He will however be bringing his hit UK show X-Factor stateside. But now the big questions are, who will replace Simon? And who will be judging X-Factor? Here is my wishlist:
Jim Cantiello from MTV News: This is a guy that knows his Idols. He is pretty much an American Idol expert and would make a great judge.
Paula Abdul: It's almost a sure bet that she will be joining the judges table at X-Factor. Simon has already said she will be working with him in some way.
Kelly Clarkson: Who better to judge the show than someone who has gone thru it all? Kelly won the first season of American Idol and is now a seasoned performer.
Jay Z: Jay Z has gone on record saying he want's to judge X-Factor in the UK, maybe Simon could convince him to do the show in America?
Ben Folds: Ben knows his stuff, he plays multiple instruments and sings both with a band and a capella. He had a role as a judge on the mini series "The Sing Off" and did a great job.
Brain Eno: Brain Eno would be an excellent choice to replace Simon on Idol. First off, he's British. But more importantly he has worked as a music producer and musician with acts such as: Roxy Music, David Bowie, Coldplay, Talking Heads, Robert Fripp, Cluster, Devo and U2.
Who is on your Idol and X-Factor wish list? Sound off in the comments!